Renewing Your STAR Coverage

Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will mail you a renewal packet before your coverage ends.
If you have a newborn, your coverage might be for one year. Parents of newborns can expect the renewal packet to arrive in the 10th month of coverage.

How to renew

Fill out the Children’s Medicaid Renewal form. Carefully follow the instructions on the letter and form. The barcode on your renewal form is scanned to help your caseworker find you in their computer. This makes things easier and faster to renew your coverage. Your help is also needed to keep the process quick and easy. Write your social security number (SSN) or case number on the top of copies of pay stubs, award letters, bills, and statements. This will help the caseworker when working your renewal.
Mail the renewal within 7 days of your renewal notice from HHSC. Your child could lose FirstCare Medicaid benefits if your renewal is not turned in on time or if information is missing.

Before you send back the renewal, check to be sure you have everything:
  • Renewal form (completed, signed, and dated)
  • Proof of income
  • Proof for dependent expenses

Cash for families and renewing Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) helps families with children, age 18 and younger, pay for food, clothing and housing.

Need help?

FirstCare is here to help. If you have questions or need help, call FirstCare STAR Customer Service at 1-800-431-7798.

Common questions

"What happens if my renewal is turned in late?"
When you turn in your renewal, keep in mind your case worker will need 4 weeks to work to decide your eligibility. If your renewal is turned in late, then time is lost and there is a possibility that you might lose your FirstCare Medicaid coverage.
It is best to turn in your renewal six weeks before your coverage ends. That means that HHSC must have your renewal in their office six weeks (45 days) before your coverage ends.

"What if I did not get a renewal form?"
If you did not receive your renewal packet and you need the renewal form, you can get the Children's Medicaid Renewal form online. Click on 'get a paper form' at the bottom of the page.

If you use this form, it is best to write your social security number or case number on the bottom of each page. Or you can have a personalized renewal form sent to you, just call 2-1-1.
If your question has not been answered, please call us at 1-800-431-7798.

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Click below for the STAR provider directories:

STAR (Lubbock)

Need Help?
Contact Us!

Call FirstCare STAR Customer Service at 1-800-431-7798.

We're open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, excluding state approved holidays. If you call after hours, please leave us a message. We return all calls the next business day.

Our Customer Service Representatives speak both English and Spanish. If you speak another language, we can connect you with an interpreter. You can get information in larger print, audio (CD), braille or in any other language format, if needed. For help, call FirstCare STAR Customer Service at 1-800-431-7798.

Members with hearing loss can call the Relay Texas number 711. Relay Texas is a free telephone interpreting service to help people with hearing or speech disabilities.


STAR Medicaid Service Area STAR Member News

Talk to a Nurse—Nurse24™

Need care advice? Should you see a doctor? FirstCare members can talk to a nurse by calling 1-855-828-1013. Get answers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Information is available in English and Spanish. Interpreter services available upon request. TTY users can call 711 or 1-800-955-8771. Voice communication is available at 1-800-955-8770.

Utilization Management

Ever wonder how we decide to authorize services? Our decisions are based on medical evidence and consensus of health care professionals.

Learn more

Scrubbing In

A NEW alternative to Grow Well

We invite you to explore Scrubbing In, weekly wellness advice for all life stages, to help keep you and your family healthy and at your best.
NOTE: Scrubbing In offers a provider search tool that may not apply to your Medicaid coverage.

Find a provider who accepts FirstCare STAR or CHIP
Read the Scrubbing In blog on the web or download the MyBSWHealth app
download the my b s w health app

Helpful Links and Phone Numbers

Texas MedicaidInformation and Referral:
2-1-1 or 1-877-541-7905
Enrollment Helpline: 1-800-964-2777
TTY: 1-800-735-2989
Texas Health Steps (THSteps)Health care for children, birth through age 20, who have Medicaid
1-877-847-8377 (1-877-THSTEPS)
MCNA Dental (Medicaid)Medicaid & CHIP dental plan for Texas
TTY: 1-800-955-8771
DentaQuest (Medicaid)Medicaid & CHIP dental plan for Texas
TTY: 1-800-855-2880
United DentalMedicaid & CHIP dental plan for Texas
TTY: 711
Liberty Dental (Medicaid)Dental services for Medicaid STAR pregnant women age 21 and over
Navitus Health SolutionsFirstCare’s Pharmacy Benefit Manager
TTY: 711
OCCC Financial Literacy Information1-800-538-1579

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