24/7 Self-Service Portal

With our 24/7 Self-Service portals you can enjoy access to your health plan—all within a secure environment that includes the resources you can count on from FirstCare. This is your one-stop shop for most information and questions.

Accessing the 24/7 Self-Service Portal

To log in/register or for more details on accessing your portal, please select one of the links listed below:

24/7 Self-Service Portal Features

Here's a quick look at the various features provided:

  • STAR Medicaid & CHIP
  • Provider Features


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We put you first

About FirstCare Health Plans

Our Service Area Maps

Coverage to Care

CMS Roadmap to Better Care, A Healthier You

Emergency vs. Urgent Care

A trip to the ER can be costly & time consuming. Follow these guidelines to help determine when a condition is serious enough to go to the ER versus visiting an Urgent Care center.

Talk to a Nurse
24-Hour Nurseline

Need care advice? Should you see a doctor? Get the info you need today! FirstCare members can talk to a nurse 24/7 by calling 877-505-7947 (TTY 711)!
STAR and CHIP Members call 855-828-1013 (TTY 711).

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