Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing Care

How do I obtain emergency care? When should I call 911 instead?

FirstCare will provide benefits for medically necessary emergency care whether you are temporarily out of the service area or within the service area. Emergency care is defined as the sudden and unexpected onset of a condition of such a nature that a prudent layperson, possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, believes their health could be jeopardized if they do not get immediate treatment. FirstCare will approve or deny the requested post-stabilization treatment within one hour if contacted by the provider or facility. Some examples of emergency conditions include the following:

  • Unusual or excessive bleeding
  • Broken bone
  • Acute abdominal or chest pain
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Suspected heart attack
  • Sudden persistent pain
  • Serious burn
  • Poisoning
  • Convulsions
  • Difficulty in breathing

In all emergency situations, you are encouraged to seek care with the nearest FirstCare -approved provider; however, if the time needed to reach a FirstCare -approved provider might endanger your health, go to the nearest emergency room. Medically necessary emergency care is covered. If you are hospitalized as a result of the emergency, you should contact the FirstCare Health Services Division within 24 to 48 hours of any admission at 888-316-7947. Coverage for continued treatment is assured when approval is obtained from the FirstCare Medical Director through the Health Services Division. Emergency care in a hospital emergency room requires a copay, which will be waived if hospital admission occurs within 24 hours.

While a medical emergency is considered a life-threatening condition, urgent care is considered less severe than an emergency, but requiring care more quickly than elective care. Urgent care includes, but is not limited to, sudden illnesses and injuries, lacerations and fever. FirstCare encourages you to access one of its Urgent Care Clinics if you find yourself needing urgent care after hours. If you do not know when to access an Urgent Care Clinic, please contact a nurse through our Nurse Advice Line at 877-505-7947.

How do I obtain primary care services?

To make a routine appointment, contact your physician's office. To help the staff schedule your appointment quickly, please refer to the following:

  • If it is your first appointment, tell the appointment clerk.
  • Have your identification card ready for any required information.
  • Periodic examinations (e g. annual Pap smears or history and physical) may need to be scheduled 8 to 12 weeks in advance. Other routine appointments are scheduled according to the urgency of the problem.
  • If you cannot keep the appointment, notify your physician's office as quickly as possible.

You may access any of our contracted physicians. Your copay is based on whether the physician is a primary care physician or specialist. PCPs include:

For a list of physicians visit our Find A Provider page or call our Customer Service toll free at 800-321-7947 (TTY: 711).

  • Family Practice — treats all age groups from newborns to the elderly. They provide routine medical care, referrals to specialists, some minor surgical procedures and obstetrics/gynecology services.
  • Community Internal Medicine — treats patients 16 years old and older. They provide routine medical care, gynecology services and referrals to specialists.
  • Pediatrics — treats children up to age 18 and provides routine care as well as referrals to specialists.
  • OB/GYN — specializes in women's health and family planning.
How do I obtain specialty care, behavioral healthcare services and hospital services?

All non-emergent medical care must be provided by FirstCare network providers. You may see a network specialist without a referral. Behavioral health services and elective hospital admissions require prior authorization through FirstCare Care Coordination Department.

How do I get care after normal office hours?

If you are enrolled in FirstCare Health Plans and are ill or injured, you can contact the Nurse Advice Line at 877-505-7947 (TTY: 711). The Nurse Advice Line is staffed 24/7. Our nurses can give you information about how to take care of yourself at home or can help determine if an office visit, an urgent care visit or an emergency room visit is most appropriate for your symptoms. It is free, completely voluntary and confidential. However, this service is not meant to replace a doctor's care.

What does "Open Access HMO" mean?

FirstCare Health Plans is an Open Access HMO. This means that a member can go to any network provider without a referral. Members may choose a network primary care physician (PCP) if they would like to designate one, but PCPs are not required by FirstCare.


What benefits and services are included and excluded from my coverage?

Refer to your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) available through the Member Portal at under Plan Documents. You may also call Customer Service at 855-572-7238.

How can I find my copays and other charges for which I am responsible?

Refer to your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) available through the Member Portal at under Plan Documents. You may also call Customer Service at 855-572-7238.

What benefit restrictions apply to services obtained outside FirstCare's system or service area?

Refer to your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) available through the Member Portal at under Plan Documents. You may also call Customer Service at 855-572-7238.

What does "not mutually exclusive" mean?

Out-of-pocket maximums are not mutually exclusive from other out-of-pocket limits. This means that a member's total out-of-pocket maximum could contain a combination of coinsurance and/or copayments (For example, a member could pay up to $6,450 in copayments alone if there was no coinsurance paid throughout the year. If a member met the $2,000 coinsurance out-of-pocket maximum, he/she would pay $4,450 in copayments, totaling $6,450 in overall out-of-pocket expense).


How do I submit a claim for covered services?

You must access services through a FirstCare Health Plans network provider unless you have received prior authorization through FirstCare Health Services Division. Members do not have to file a claim for covered services provided by FirstCare network providers. The participating provider will file the claims on your behalf. Just make sure you present your member ID card at the time of service.

For services provided by non-participating providers, you will need to file a claim for reimbursement directly to FirstCare at the following address:

FirstCare Health Plans
P.O. Box 211342
Eagan, MN 55121

Once the Health Plan receives your claim, you will receive an acknowledgement letter within 15 days. The acknowledgment letter will indicate if any additional information is needed.

What should I do if I get a bill that should have been paid by FirstCare?

Call Customer Service at 855-572-7238.

How do I get a copy of my Explanation of Benefits (EOB)

When your medical claims are processed by FirstCare Health Plans, you can view your Explanation of Benefits statement online through the Member Portal. The EOB outlines the disposition of your claim, including the amount paid. You must be registered for the Member Portal to view your electronic EOBs. Click the "Log In" button at the top of the page to register. You will need your member ID card to complete registration. (If you already have a member account, you can click "Log In" to view your claims information and EOBs.)

Receiving EOBs electronically ensures that benefit information is available when and where it is needed. Electronic EOBs also reduce administrative costs and demonstrate environmental awareness by reducing paper usage. Your EOBs will be delivered electronically through the portal unless you specifically request to receive paper EOBs in the mail. To request paper EOBs, log into the portal and select "Update Preferences."

Customer Service

What is the Customer Service phone number?

You can reach Customer Service at 855-572-7238 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT weekdays.

For services provided by non-participating providers, you will need to file a claim for reimbursement directly to FirstCare at the following address:

FirstCare Health Plans
P.O. Box 211342
Eagan, MN  55121

How can I obtain language assistance?

In an effort to improve communication with non-English speaking members, FirstCare uses the interpretive services of AT&T. When calling a FirstCare representative, you can request to be linked to a highly-trained interpreter. Let Customer Service know your primary language and the call will be completed with the help of an AT&T interpreter. You do not have to call a special line for this service.

FirstCare also has several interpreters available through Customer Service at 855-572-7238.

How do I voice a complaint?

FirstCare is dedicated to addressing your grievances and resolving them promptly. If there is ever a time when you are not satisfied with the performance of FirstCare or one of its providers, you should contact a Customer Service Advocate at 855-572-7238 immediately. All grievances are documented and thoroughly investigated. FirstCare encourages your input and will not discriminate against you, refuse coverage or engage in any other retaliation if you choose to file a complaint or request an appeal of a decision.

FirstCare's definition of a complaint is an oral or written form of dissatisfaction that is not able to be resolved promptly to your satisfaction. When you call Customer Service to express dissatisfaction, he/she will immediately document your issues and send you a complaint form (as required by the Texas Department of Insurance) to complete and send back to FirstCare. This form does not go into your medical record; it simply helps FirstCare address your complaint with the appropriate person or department. FirstCare responds to the oral and written complaints in the same manner and informs you of a resolution within 30 calendar days of receipt of the complaint.

How do I appeal a decision that adversely affects coverage, benefits or my relationship with the organization?

FirstCare 's definition of an appeal is a request for FirstCare to reverse a previous adverse decision. All appeals are presented to a panel, which is held within 30 calendar days after receipt of the request. You have the right to appear before the panel and to present written or oral information in support of your request to reverse the previous decision. The FirstCare will permit and pay for an immediate appeal to an independent review organization in the event the decision rendered was an Adverse Determination (denial of coverage based on medical necessity determination) to the complainant and the request was presented to the FirstCare within 180 days of the previous decision. For more information on your appeal rights, please contact a Customer Service Advocate at 855-572-7238.


How can I add or delete someone from coverage under my plan?

If you are an active employee, contact your Benefits Coordinator.

How does FirstCare evaluate new technology for inclusion as a covered benefit?

FirstCare has a process whereby a group of physicians and other health care professionals evaluate requests for coverage of new technological procedures or treatments. The Technical Assessment Committee receives from a requesting doctor, a proposal to FirstCare that outlines a new or currently uncovered medical or behavioral procedure, devices or treatments, the perceived advantages over current therapy, criteria for utilization and supporting papers from peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The Technical Assessment Committee then meets to evaluate the physician's request for coverage. The recommendations of the Technical Assessment Committee are presented to the FirstCare Quality Improvement Committee for a final approval determination. If you have a request for coverage of a new medical or behavioral procedure, device or treatment, please contact your physician or the Health Services Division at 888-316-7947.


How do I obtain care and coverage when I am out of FirstCare's service area?

As a member of FirstCare, you are covered worldwide for any true emergency that occurs. Incidents such as heart attacks, deep lacerations, loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, broken bones and other critical conditions that require immediate treatment are covered with your emergency room copay/coinsurance. If you have a medical problem that is urgent but is not an emergency, you are encouraged to contact our Nurse Advice Line at 877-505-7947. This is a 24-hour line you can access from anywhere in the world for medical advice and assistance in managing your illness.

When seeking treatment in an out-of-network emergency room, provide your member identification card. This will speed up the processing and payment of your bill by FirstCare. This will also allow the treating physician to discuss your emergency care with your network physician, if necessary.

What kind of coverage will my college-age child have while he or she is away at school?

FirstCare will cover any emergency that occurs while away at school. It will be important to plan for routine medical needs while the student is away. If your child is attending school within the State and will be located near one of our provider clinics, your child can receive care at the facility. If the student is attending school out of the FirstCare service area, it may be necessary to consider supplementary coverage for routine medical care. The student may want to use the college dispensary for his/her routine medical care. The student can also access our Nurse Advice Line at 877-505-7947 at any time for medical advice and assistance.

I am currently seeing a doctor outside of FirstCare. Can I continue to see that doctor?

FirstCare is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and your care has been prepaid and prearranged for within the FirstCare network. If you would like FirstCare to pay for the doctor visit, you must see a FirstCare physician. You may continue to see the physician outside the FirstCare network, but FirstCare will not pay for the visit. You may want to get copies of your medical care records from the outside doctor so that your FirstCare physician can continue care.

How do I get a referral outside the FirstCare network when you cannot provide the services that I need?

FirstCare network is a large, multi-specialty network and, in most cases, can meet the majority of your medical needs. If you develop a medical condition that your FirstCare network physicians cannot care for, you will need a recommendation from your FirstCare network physician and the approval of the FirstCare Medical Director before any out-of-plan services can be covered. A formal review of your case will be provided and you will receive a letter outlining clearly what FirstCare will or will not cover with the outside physician.

For more information on referrals, see the Referrals and Prior Authorizations page.

What happens if I am hospitalized outside the service area?

Please have someone call FirstCare within 24-48 hours of your admission so that we can begin coordinating your care as soon as possible. The instructions for reporting an out-of-plan admission are printed on the back of your member identification card. Simply use the toll-free line.

If you are hospitalized while traveling with others, we suggest that you always have someone else within your group know what to do in case you are unable to speak for yourself.


What are your pharmaceutical management procedures?

Refer to the Formulary Management document for information about pharmaceutical management procedures.

If you have any questions about Baylor Scott & White Health Plan, please call Customer Service at 855-572-7238.


How do I obtain care and coverage when I am out of FirstCare's service area?

If you would like to know the professional qualifications of a FirstCare network physician, visit our Find A Provider page or call Customer Service at 844-633-5325. You can inquire about your physician's medical school, residency, board certification status and any other information you may need to choose a practitioner in the network

FirstCare Health Plans is an Open Access HMO. A member can go to any network provider without a referral.

If I want to designate a primary care physician (PCP), how do I select a primary care physician?

Members may choose a network primary care physician (PCP) if they would like to designate one, but PCPs longer required by the FirstCare Health Plans.

If you would like to select a PCP, please refer to our online directory. Each person listed on your plan may select a PCP from the following physicians:

  • Family Practice treats all age groups from newborns to the elderly. They provide routine medical care, referrals to specialists, some minor surgical procedures and obstetrics/gynecology services.
  • Internal Medicine physicians treat patients 16 years and older. They provide routine medical care, gynecology services and referrals to specialists.
  • Pediatricians treat treats children up to age 18 and provide routine care as well as referrals to specialists.
  • OB/GYNs specialize in women's health and family planning.

When selecting a PCP, consider which clinic would be most convenient to meet your own needs. Each person listed on your plan can select his or her own doctor.

If you would like specific information about any of the PCPs, visit our Find A Provider page or contact Customer Service. Once you select a PCP, you can make an appointment with that physician. If your PCP is unavailable, you can see any other physicians of the same specialty that work with the clinic.

What if I do not like my PCP after I have designated him or her?

You can change your PCP anytime.

Do all family members need to use a PCP/or the same PCP?

No covered person is required to designate a PCP. If they wish to do so, each person listed on your plan can select his or her own doctor.


What is the Member Portal address?

You can go straight to the Member Portal at You can also navigate to the portal by clicking the "Log In" button in the upper right corner of each page on this site. You will need your member ID, Social Security Number and date of birth to register initially to the secure site.

What are the benefits of registering online and using the Member Portal?

On the Member Portal, you can:

  • View and print ID cards
  • View benefits and coverage
  • See claims and Explanations of Benefits (EOBs)
  • View deductibles and out-of-pocket accumulators
  • Take a wellness assessment
  • Send an email to customer service advocates through secure messaging feature

The Member Portal also features a cost estimator and a provider search based on your specific health plan.

For our Individual and Family Plan members, the Member Portal will help you learn how to:

  • Make payments online
  • Set up recurring payments
  • Access forms
  • Check to see if payment was received
  • Make demographic changes (address, phone, etc.)
My Member Portal account is locked. What do I do now?

Your account will automatically be unlocked 30 minutes after the last failed login attempt. After 30 minutes, click "Forgot Password" and reset your password.

Why did my account become locked in the first place?

Accounts are automatically locked after five failed attempts to prevent other programs from cracking members' passwords.

I just reset my password and still can't log in. What can I do?

First, verify your username is correct. All usernames are an email address specified by the member upon registering for the Member Portal. If you have multiple email addresses, try a different one.

I reset my password and tried all my email addresses, but I still can't get in. What do I do now?

You should contact Customer Service at 855-572-7238. They can help you with many issues. If they can't help, they will take your contact information and forward it to a subject matter expert. In most cases you will get a resolution in a couple of hours via email or a return phone call. Also, check your Spam folder.

I tried the reset password feature, but I never got an email or I got an error when trying to reset my password. What is wrong?

If you didn't get an email, try again to reset your password and double-check the email address that you type in is correct. If you mistype even one letter, you will not receive the password reset email.

I tried resetting my password several times and nothing is working.

It could be that you typed in your email address incorrectly when you first registered. If you suspect this is the problem, contact Customer Service at 855-572-7238 and they can verify your email address or submit a correction request, which should be completed in a few hours.

I am brand new to the Member Portal and want to set up an account. I went through the registration process and used my Social Security Number, but it says “no member found.” I know my SSN and Date of Birth are correct. What is wrong?

A Social Security Number is not required to apply for coverage with FirstCare Health Plans. So if you didn't provide an SSN during your application process, we do not have your SSN on file. You will therefore not be able to use it to register. Instead, if you have it, use your member ID number and date of birth. If you do not know your member ID number, please contact Customer Service at 844-633-5325.

I put in my member ID number and date of birth but still cannot register for the Member Portal. How can this be?

First, verify that you're typing in the correct member ID number. If you are, contact Customer Service at 844-633-5325. It's possible that your date of birth is incorrect in our system. If you are a new member, it's possible your application has not yet been processed. As soon as your application is processed, you should be able to register for the Member Portal online.

What browsers does the FirstCare Member Portal support?
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari (Private Mode is not supported)
  • Edge
  • IOS Safari for iPad (there is a known bug about viewing your Medical Card)

Note: Internet Explorer and browsers on phones are not supported.


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If you need assistance with an urgent medical issue, reach out to our Case Management Team.

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Should you see a doctor? Get the info you need today! FirstCare members can talk to a nurse 24/7.

  • 877-505-7947
  • TTY: 711

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Need to talk to someone? Make the most of your FirstCare benefits & call us for 24/7 assistance with what's troubling you.


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