Behavioral Health

Getting help

Behavioral health and substance abuse services are offered to FirstCare STAR, CHIP and/or CHIP Perinate Newborn members. This is care for an emotional, alcohol, or drug problem. For this kind of help, call FirstCare’s Behavioral Health Services at 800-327-6934 24/7.

You do not need a referral to get help from FirstCare’s Behavioral Health Services. Our Customer Service Representatives speak both English and Spanish. If you speak another language we can connect you with an interpreter. Behavioral health and substance abuse services are not covered for FirstCare CHIP Perinate members (Moms).

What you should do if you have an emergency

To access covered services, call FirstCare STAR Customer Service at 800-431-7798. If you are having an emergency and need immediate medical care, go to the nearest Emergency Room (ER) or call 911. If you do not have life threatening injuries or symptoms or do not need immediate medical care, call your PCP first. Your doctor can help you and give you advice.

How to learn more about behavioral health

Visit the American Psychological Association at Learn more about specific mental health issues such as:

  • Anxiety (feelings of tension, worry)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Addictions
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Eating disorders (Anorexia/Bulimia)

Member Portal

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STAR (Lubbock)

Virtual Care

Need Help?
Contact Us!

8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays

...excluding state-approved holidays.

We can help you find a doctor, schedule a checkup or answer any questions you have about your benefits.

If you call after hours, please leave us a message. We return all calls the next business day.

Our Customer Service Representatives speak English and Spanish. If you speak another language, we can connect you with an interpreter.

  • 800-431-STAR (7798)
  • 877-639-CHIP (2447)
  • Members with hearing loss can call the Relay Texas number 711. Relay Texas is a free telephone interpreting service to help people with hearing or speech disabilities.

Authorization Information


Talk to a Nurse—Nurse24™

Need care advice?

Should you see a doctor?

Get answers 24/7! Information is available in English and Spanish. Interpreter services available upon request.

  • 855-828-1013
  • TTY users: 711 or 800-955-8771
  • Voice communication: 800-955-8770

Healthy Texas Women Plus

Texas HHSC implemented Healthy Texas Women (HTW) Plus, an enhanced, cost-effective and limited postpartum services package for women in the HTW program. HTW Plus will be provided for no more than 12 months after the start date. Women in HTW Plus will have access to HTW and HTW Plus benefits.

Utilization Management

Ever wonder how we decide to authorize services? Our decisions are based on medical evidence and consensus of health care professionals.

Utilization Management Decisions

Health Plan Decisions

State Fair Hearing

Members who disagree with the health plan's decision have the right to ask for a fair hearing only after exhausting the MCO Internal Appeal System provided by FirstCare. Ask for a State Fair Hearing by contacting us toll free. Our Member Services can help you file a fair hearing.

External Medical Review

Members sho disagree with the health plan's decision have the right to ask for a State Fair Hearing (standard or expedited) only after exhausting our Internal Appeals process or you can ask for a State Fair Hearing with an External Medical Review (EMR) (standard or expedited). You cannot only ask for an External Medical Review. An EMR is an optional, extra step for the member to have a case outside the Hearing, free of charge. To request an EMR, call us.

800-431-7798 / TTY 711.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

833-779-3105 View more information

Prescription Benefits Manager


Navitus Health Solutions

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